This blog is gonna show you most of my experiences abroad. Currently I'm on the first step of my round-the-world trip. I spend 4 months as a visiting student at the Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops (BC), Canada. Next steps will be San Francisco, Los Angeles, Fiji, Auckland, Sydney and finally Shànghăi. In Shànghăi I will do a 3-month-internship at our commerzbank branch before I'll be home again (April 2007). Enjoy the blogs and the pictures which I carried together for you!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The next adventure begins...

As you maybe can see my next destination is Singapore. I will start at 15:15 CET from Frankfurt International Airport. To give you a little impression take a look on the picture below.

If there is someone to get a postcard please don't hesitate to give me a quick note with the adress.

Daniel is around the world - again! ;-)
